VFW Post 6722 has a hall available for rent to the general public.  Please contact our Hall Scheduler at 919-356-2208. If there is no answer, please leave a message and our Hall Scheduler will get back with you as soon a possible. Or send us an email using our Contact Page about renting the hall. View the Hall Rental Schedule here. Open and reserved dates for hall rentals will appear here.
Ernest Simmons VFW Post 6722
 Hall Rental Fees

 Category  *Deposit Amount
 **Rental Fee
 Post 6722 Member/Aux
 $0  $200
 Non-Post VFW Member/Aux
 $200  $300
 General Public
 $200  $400

1. Deposits are due immediately upon signing the rental contract to reserve the hall. First come, first served.
2. The hall key can be picked up ONLY by the individual who signed the contract. Key pickup is the night before the event between 5:30PM - 7:00PM. The balance of the rental fee is due at that time. 
3. Deposits will be returned ONLY by the Hall Scheduler upon validation of the contract.
4. Renters will be presented with a cleaning document. After the cleaning document is signed and the key put in the Suggestion Box in the Main Hall after the event, the deposit can be picked up on Fridays between 5:30PM - 7:00PM.
5. You can download the current English version hall rental agreement here.