The Need for Blood Continues

Kurt Heinz - 11/26/2020

The Ernest Simmons VFW Post 6722 of Lillington, NC hosted its third Red Cross Blood Drive for the year on 23 Nov 2020. While COVID-19 continues to grab the headlines, the need for blood and blood products for medical purposes still exist. Post 6722 has collaborated with the Harnett County Red Cross over the last six months to provide a venue for blood donations in the county. The Harnett County Red Cross approached the post in the summer when venues for blood drives became difficult to obtain due to state restrictions because of COVID. The county Red Cross comes self-contained with all the equipment needed to accept donations of blood. They sanitize the area prior to the event and when all blood donations are finished, they again sanitize the post hall prior to departure.

Post 6722 stepped into the fray and offered the post hall as a place where the Harnett County Red Cross could continue to operate this critical service. Since July, the post has hosted three such events and the Harnett County Red Cross has been able to meet the needs of the medical community and the public as a result. Earnest Simmons VFW Post 6722 will always assist the county Red Cross in this endeavor.