Post 6722 Honors Shriners

Kurt Heinz - 9/27/2021

VFW Post 6722 honored the Harnett County Shrine Club with a plaque on 21 September 2021 for their ongoing support of VFW Post 6722's fundraising activities. Here Post 6722 Commander, Steve Gardner presents members of the Shriners at their monthly meeting with a custom made plaque signifying our gratitude for their ongoing support. 
Fundraising is always difficult in the best of times and during the time of COVID, it has been particularly difficult. Several years ago, VFW Post 6722 entered into a partnership with the Harnett County Shrine Club to mutually support one another during each organization's fundraising efforts. When the Harnett County Shrine Clubs holds it biannual BBQ to raise funds for Shriner charities, members of the VFW 6722 are there to help the Shriners by cooking, cleaning, and serving delicious North Carolina BBQ to hungry residents of Lillington and the greater Harnett area. Conversely, when it is time for the VFW Post 6722 to do our biannual BBQ, the Harnett County Shrine provides their large capacity smokers and cold storage facilities as well as cooking assistance to our team during the fundraiser. The plaque tells the Shriners that VFW 6722 cannot do what we do during these events without their assistance. And VFW 6722 is eternally grateful for their support.